Childcare & Schools Bookworm & Leseratte

The German bookclubs hosted by Bookworm & Leseratte offer 2 different options to give you the opportunity to find the best situation for your child. We prefer to make reading German easy, engaging and enjoyable – every child is different and giving 2 different possibilities increases the chances that your child will come away feeling like they had fun and were successful!


“Classic Bookclub”

The focus in our ‘classic’ option focuses on reading and understanding the book. We will discuss openly the content and characters of the book – chatting about favorite parts, what might happen next, and how the characters are interacting with each other.

40 Minutes per session
84,00 USD for 6 weeks


“Movement Bookclub”

In our movement option we focus not only on the story but also engaging the children with physical movement – dancing, acting and impersonating. This can be a great way to engage a child that is perhaps more reluctant to read.

40 Minutes per session
113,00 USD for 8 weeks


The materials we use primarily are from German authors written in original German, rather than a translated story from another language. We feel that using books written in the intended language, we can read so much more into the natural language and vocabulary as well as the culture and heritage that can sometimes be missed from translated sources.



“Der Buchclub hat mir total viel Spass gemacht, neue Bücher lese ich immer gerne und die Bewegungen haben viel Spass gemacht. Ich fand das Buch toll.” Emma 8


Liebe Maria, der Buchclub hat mir sehr gefallen. Besonders gefallen hat mir, dass wir manchmal lustige Dinge tun mussten. Ich glaube, wie wir die Bücher gelesen hat gut funktioniert. Die Bücher haben mir gut gefallen. Das zweite fand ich besser, aber es war mir immer noch etwas zu einfach. Ich finde es schade, dass wir es jetzt nicht fertiggelesen haben. Ich würde den Buchclub gerne weitermachen und würde gerne Fantasybücher lesen. Am liebsten welche, die in Schulen spielen, zb Woodwalkers. Deine Emily  (10 Jahre)


""Der Buchclub hat mir total viel Spass gemacht, neue Bücher lese ich immer gerne und die Bewegungen haben viel Spass gemacht. Ich fand das Buch toll." Emma 8"CityKinder Admin


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