For Parents-To-Be
Tips for a Healthy Natural Pregnancy
- November 5th 2014, 9am
- by CityKinder Expert
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Every pregnant woman’s desire is to enjoy pregnancy and childbirth with as little medical intervention as possible. There are a few things you can do to allow this to happen. Chinese physicians have been helping women for centuries to make good choices before, during and after pregnancy to have the most positive experience. Quite a few of these recommendations sound just like common sense (and they are)—yet they are easily overlooked.
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The Lifelong Benefits of a Bilingual Education
- October 8th 2014, 11am
- by CityKinder Expert
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January is a busy time of the year when parents of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten-aged children evaluate their education options for the coming fall. Choosing the right school for your child can certainly be a challenging endeavor that raises a lot of questions. If you are interested in giving your child a bilingual education, you add even more questions to the mix. Will a second language confuse or complicate the learning process? Will it make it difficult for your child to keep up with his or her monolingual peers academically? If you’re certain you want a bilingual school, how do you choose the right program? For that matter, do bilingual schools with academically excellent college preparatory programs even exist in the New York area?
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What Does It Take to Get Pregnant?
- September 19th 2014, 2pm
- by CityKinder Expert
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Some may laugh at the question, but for many couples wishing to have a child this is serious business. We usually put considerable effort into preventing pregnancy so that we sometimes forget that conception is not the automatic consequence of intercourse. In fact, millions of couples in the United States attempt to become pregnant each year but fail and are considered infertile.
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How to watch German TV in the US?
- September 5th 2014, 8am
- by CityKinder Expert
- comments: 1

One thing many Expats or Transplants miss in the US is German TV. No matter if it’s your favorite series, Tatort or one of the many documentaries it’s just different than American programming. Plus it’s a great way to expose our kids to more German!
Thanks to the internet there are plenty of ways to get your favorite programs straight to your house or download whole series on your iPad. If you know of additional channels and programs, please let us know or just comment below.
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Choosing the right childbirth class
- August 22nd 2014, 9am
- by Steffi Heintzeler
- comments: 0

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Alongside with the preparations for the baby you might be thinking about booking a childbirth class. Or not? Some dads-to-be are worried they might have to end up panting and pushing, some moms-to-be are worried they might have to moan in front of strangers. Let me help you with making that decision.
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Green-Wood Cemetery – Trolley Rides, Twilight Tours & Konzerte
- August 16th 2014, 8am
- by Guest Blogger
- comments: 0

Wer auf der Suche nach Ruhe ist und in wunderschöner Landschaft tief durchatmen möchte, sollte sich nach Brooklyn begeben. Nein, nicht in den Prospekt Park, sondern zum Green-Wood Cemetery!
Dieser 175 Jahre alte Friedhof ist mit seinen zwei Quadratkilometern fast so groß wie der bekannte Brooklyner Park. Green-Woods malerische Hügel und Seen, sein historischer Baum- und Pflanzenbestand sowie die einmaligen Skulpturen und Mausoleen machten den Friedhof zwischen 1860 und 1873 zu New York Citys beliebtestem Ausflugsziel. Es war der Green-Wood Cemetery, der den Anstoß für die Schaffung des Central Parks gab. Seit 2006 trägt Green-Wood den Titel National Historic Landmark.
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The best tips for flying with Baby
- June 26th 2014, 10pm
- by CityKinder Expert
- comments: 0

Flying with baby for the first time can be an intimidating thought, but in most cases it’s much less uncomfortable than expected. For most of us it’s a reality we most likely face in the first year of our baby’s life. For me the hardest time was not when my daughter was a baby but rather a small toddler from 18 to about 24 month. After that our friend the iPad took care of the entertainment program during the flight.
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Bilingualism – Different goals for different Families
- June 19th 2014, 4pm
- by Andrea Pieper
- comments: 0

At Deutsches Haus at NYU, we offer classes for bilingual children, and we only ask that the child speaks German daily with a family member, caretaker etc.
While the classes are held in German, the proficiency of the students can be vastly different. Some children can understand and participate without speaking German, while others communicate and read and write in German.
Their families have different reasons to choose raising children with two languages, and even the term “bilingual” can have different meanings for different families. For some, having the ability to listen in two languages but speak in just one may constitute bilingualism, while other parents expect their children not only to speak, but also be literate in both languages. Depending on those definitions, parents put more or less importance and effort into their child’s bilingual development.
Did you know these 10 things about Breastfeeding ?
- June 17th 2014, 12pm
- by Steffi Heintzeler
- comments: 0

10 things you might not have heard about breastfeeding
1) Breastmilk has the highest amount in fat in the afternoon. In the morning the amount is higher but its more “watery”.
2) We always believed foremilk has less fat than hindmilk. However, new studies have shown that sometimes foremilk and hindmilk have equal amounts of fat.
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Washington’s Headquarter – Morristown
- June 11th 2014, 9pm
- by Sabine Schwab
- comments: 0

Nicht weit vom Morristown, NJ Stadtkern gelegen befindet sich das Washington’s Headquarter. Auf dem Highway haben wir das Schild, welches die Ausfahrt markiert, schon oft gesehen und ein Besuch stand schon lange auf der To Do Liste.
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