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Virtueller Doula Service – Geht das Überhaupt? Blog


Virtueller Doula Service – Geht das Überhaupt?

Was sind die Schwierigkeiten für eine Doula in Zeiten von Corona?

Für Doulas ist es derzeit schwierig, unsere Kundinnen so zu betreuen, wie es notwendig ist. Zum einen darf nur eine Begleitperson mit in den Kreissaal, d.h. die Mutter muss sich entscheiden, ob sie Partner/In oder Doula mitnehmen möchte. Zum anderen gibt es natürlich Ansteckungsgefahr, wenn die Doula Hausbesuche macht oder in die Klinik geht zu einer Geburt. Gerade bei der Arbeit mit Neugeborenen ist es eigentlich derzeit nicht möglich, Kunden zu sehen.

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“Green Living NYC” – Plastikfrei Einkaufen in NYC 

In New York City wurden jedes Jahr über 23 Milliarden Plastiktüten verwendet. Mit dem “Plastic Bag Ban” wird sich diese Zahl nun drastisch verringern. Aber was ist mit dem Rest an Plastik? Lasst uns versuchen, auch diesen zu verringern, um unsere Tierwelt und Umwelt zu schützen. In unserer Blog Reihe “Green Living NYC” werden wir euch immer wieder Tipps und Tricks zur Verfügung stellen, wie man im Big Apple umweltbewusster Leben kann.
In Deutschland ist es inzwischen normal, beim Einkauf darauf zu achten, dass möglichst wenig Verpackung benutzt wird. Paprika wird einzeln gekauft und auch das Brot wird beim Bäcker lieber in einen Jutebeutel gepackt, anstatt in einen beschichteten Papierbeutel.
In New York wird “convenience” jedoch noch groß geschrieben und so findet man auch häufig Artikel wie klein geschnittene Äpfel in Plastikverpackung.

Wir zeigen euch hier wie man auch in New York verpackungsfrei Einkaufen kann!

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Where & Why to get a flu shot in New York


While in Germany the flu shot is usually only recommend for children (6 months and up), people over 60, and high risk groups like pregnant women and those with chronic illnesses –  you almost can’t escape the flu shot mania living in New York…. As so many people live in one spot the risks of infection is much higher, so you should definitely think about the option.

The NYC Health Map is a fantastic resource to find out where you can go get a flu shot. It’s generally included in your health insurance plan.  Check with your insurance provider to see what they can get you and then use the list below!

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Baby Beach Essentials

Baby sitting at beach wearing the beach essentials.

Congratulations on becoming a parent! What a beautiful time in our lives. With new parenthood come challenges. One of them might be the first trip to the beach with your baby. The times when you would put on a bathing suit, pack a towel and some sunscreen and head are over… You will have to plan ahead and make sure you have everything you need for your baby when you head to the beach.

Here is a check list for you!

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Tips for a Healthy Natural Pregnancy

Every pregnant woman’s desire is to enjoy pregnancy and childbirth with as little medical intervention as possible. There are a few things you can do to allow this to happen. Chinese physicians have been helping women for centuries to make good choices before, during and after pregnancy to have the most positive experience. Quite a few of these recommendations sound just like common sense (and they are)—yet they are easily overlooked.

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What Does It Take to Get Pregnant?

CityKinder Expecting in NY Seminar for pregnant Expats and Parents-To-Be

Some may laugh at the question, but for many couples wishing to have a child this is serious business. We usually put considerable effort into preventing pregnancy so that we sometimes forget that conception is not the automatic consequence of intercourse. In fact, millions of couples in the United States attempt to become pregnant each year but fail and are considered infertile.

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Alon Basel | Balanced Vending

Alon Basel is of Russian decent born and raised in Berlin. He came to New York in 1998 and is raising his daughter trilingual. His company “Balanced Vending” is making sure that New Yorkers snack and drink healthier in their cafeterias and lunch rooms.

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What to expect AFTER you’re Expecting

CityKinder Expecting in NY Seminar for pregnant Expats and Parents-To-Be

Ever wondered how those first few days with your newborn would turn out or what it would be like to have a doula by your side during labour and birth.. Did you know that Doula care can reduce cesaerean deliveries? Stephanie Heintzeler, a certified bi-lingual doula, provides some excellent advice and insights on birth and beyond in the following two articles posted below. Stephanie works with women and their partners before, during and after birth to ease their experience and welcome their new baby. She is an experienced midwife licensed to practice in Germany and the USA. You can contact her through Citykinder by sending us an email or get in touch with her directly via her contact details listed below the articles.

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Doula makes a Difference

Doula & Midwife Steffi Heintzeler

When I go to events or friends’ houses and tell people what I do, I often hear “A doula? What is that?” So I say “It’s like a midwife, just non-medical.” But that’s not all. As a doula I am the one who will guide you throughout pregnancy, birth and the postpartum phase.

Recently, I was involved in a very special birth. Lily and John (names changed) were expecting their first child and had taken my childbirth class. So it was great to know them well before they called me very early one morning. Lily told me that she was bleeding a little and having contractions. Her husband was very nervous, which made me think that he needed me even more than Lily.

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