Language and Bilingualism
Wo bekomme ich Deutsche Kinderbücher in den USA?
- January 26th 2021, 9pm
- by CityKinder Admin
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Diese Frage wird uns immer wieder gestellt und es gibt zum Glück viele Antworten auf diese Frage!
Natürlich denkt man als erstes an Amazon und Kollegen, aber wir haben auch einige andere Optionen für Euch gesammelt.
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Podcasts statt Kassetten – funktioniert auch!
- April 1st 2020, 6am
- by Sarah Sheridan
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Die Tage können [egg id=”0″] sich zu Hause ziemlich lang anfühlen. Wenn man Spaß hat und beschäftigt ist, geht die Zeit jedoch viel schneller rum. Und wer kennt es nicht aus seiner Kindheit? Wir haben stundenlang Kassetten gehört, während wir dabei gemalt oder gespielt haben.
Es gibt zwar keine Kassetten mehr, aber wir haben für euch die besten kinderfreundlichen Podcasts auf deutsch zusammengestellt:
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YouTV | How to Watch German Films and TV Classics at Christmas Time
- December 13th 2019, 5pm
- by Kristin Schoenberger
- comments: 0
What would Christmas be without fairy tales – they belong to the Christmas season, like the Advent calendar, Christmas cookies or the festively decorated Christmas tree. Whether they are new films or old productions from DDR times – the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm in particular are still very popular. If you also want to watch German films and TV classics while living abroad – especially at Christmas time – we might have a simple solution for you: YouTV.
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Supporting Bilingualism with Online Rental for Children’s Books in German
- July 18th 2019, 3am
- by CityKinder Admin
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Do you know one big secret to raising a bilingual child? It is so simple, most people dismiss it: Read to your child every single day in German for 15 minutes or more
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Five Myths About Bilingualism
- March 1st 2019, 10am
- by CityKinder Expert
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Raising a bilingual child is a big commitment, and it can be challenging. But your decision to teach your child more than one language is a gift that can offer tremendous advantages. In this post, we’d like to set the record straight on five common myths about bilingualism.
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Wie werden Kinder zu begeisterten Lesern?
- January 9th 2019, 9am
- by Dorothea Mirwald
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![Wie werden Kinder zu begeisterten Lesern](
Dass Lesen wichtig ist, ist uns allen bewusst. Ohne die Fähigkeit zu lesen, ist Erfolg in unserer Gesellschaft kaum möglich. Lesen ist die Grundlage für Bildung in allen Bereichen und damit auch für eine selbstbestimmte Berufswahl und den Zugang zu “höherwertigen” Jobs.
Lesen ist aber ebenso wichtig für die soziale Entwicklung von Kindern: Indem sie durch Bücher die Welt aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln kennen lernen, erweitert sich ihr Horizont und sie werden in ihrer sozialen Entwicklung unterstützt.
Auch in der bi- oder multilingualen Erziehung spielt lesen eine wichtige Rolle, indem Bücher neues Vokabular und grammatische Strukturen vermitteln.
Aber was tun, wenn Kinder nicht gerne ein Buch in die Hand nehmen? Wir haben für euch einige Tips zusammengestellt, wie ihr sie dazu motivieren könnt, bzw wie ihr schon bei Babys und Kleinkindern das Interesse an Büchern wecken könnt.
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Music Education Within Bilingual Education
- May 30th 2017, 4pm
- by CityKinder Expert
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While music may be thought of as a childhood hobby, studies emphasize the importance of music education in children’s lives to help develop memory, perception, language, vocabulary, spoken skills, and reading skills. Research shows that these benefits may last well beyond childhood. Music has an impact on both hemispheres of the brain and thus makes learning easier. To get these benefits, both listening and playing or singing are important. However, all the positive effects on cognitive development of young children are usually related to singing or playing instruments.
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Top 5 Bookstores For Kids
- March 5th 2015, 5pm
- by CityKinder Expert
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![Top Bookstores for Kids in NY | CityKinder](
CityKinder found the 5 most kids friendly bookstores in New York for you! It’s amazing how much effort book stores are putting into our future generation. Here is a list of our top 5 with detailed descriptions!
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The Lifelong Benefits of a Bilingual Education
- October 8th 2014, 11am
- by CityKinder Expert
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![GIS Renaming Reception | CityKinder](
January is a busy time of the year when parents of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten-aged children evaluate their education options for the coming fall. Choosing the right school for your child can certainly be a challenging endeavor that raises a lot of questions. If you are interested in giving your child a bilingual education, you add even more questions to the mix. Will a second language confuse or complicate the learning process? Will it make it difficult for your child to keep up with his or her monolingual peers academically? If you’re certain you want a bilingual school, how do you choose the right program? For that matter, do bilingual schools with academically excellent college preparatory programs even exist in the New York area?
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Bilingualism – Different goals for different Families
- June 19th 2014, 4pm
- by Andrea Pieper
- comments: 0
At Deutsches Haus at NYU, we offer classes for bilingual children, and we only ask that the child speaks German daily with a family member, caretaker etc.
While the classes are held in German, the proficiency of the students can be vastly different. Some children can understand and participate without speaking German, while others communicate and read and write in German.
Their families have different reasons to choose raising children with two languages, and even the term “bilingual” can have different meanings for different families. For some, having the ability to listen in two languages but speak in just one may constitute bilingualism, while other parents expect their children not only to speak, but also be literate in both languages. Depending on those definitions, parents put more or less importance and effort into their child’s bilingual development.