German Language School New Jersey is hosting Virtual STEAM Camp
Join the weekly virtual German STEAM camps from July 7-23, 2020 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, with age-appropriate workshops that include theater, dance, magic, music, storytelling, arts and crafts, science. Classes are designed for age-appropriate activities for younger students:
Es war einmal….Deutsche Märchen (week 1) to
Wir packen unseren Koffer (week 2) and
Mint für Kinder und Pre-Teens (week 3).
With Kamera läuft – Achtung Aufnahme, teens will create their own short video for the International FilmOne Fest. Adult summer classes explore film, music, current events and more.
Full details and schedules are available:
Register for the camp online: GLS Summer Camp.