Today’s Reason to Celebrate – ‘National Better Breakfast day’
September 26th is celebrated as National Better Breakfast day.
I don’t know how YOU feel about breakfast, but I am a breakfast girl. For me, it’s the most important part of the day and believe me, I have tried leaving the house without. Most of the time I ended up being HANGRY – buying last minute almond croissants. Yeah, I know, they are delicious but not comparable with a good nutrient breakfast what I prefer.
Did you know, that the word ‘breakfast’ actually means ‘breaking the fast’? After not having eaten the whole night. Eating breakfast gives your body energy to start the “engine” again and it gets your brain working. It says, people who eat breakfast usually do better in school and at work.
Did you have breakfast today? I know it can be hard to find the time in the trouble of a weekday morning – filling up lunch boxes, feeding the dog and getting everybody ready to go. But hey, it’s almost weekend! The time of the week where I love to have an extended breakfast.
So, have a happy better breakfast weekend and enjoy yourself!
By Kristin Schoenberger